Dedicated Hunter

How to Apply for Dedicated Status

Application Overview

A member can obtain a dedicated status in two ways.

New Application or Recognition of Prior Learning

Either apply for a brand-new Dedicated Status or obtain a dedicated status through Recognition of Prior Learning.

In both cases, the member is required to follow the dedicated application process found in the Dedicated Status section of the member Profile.

New Application

  • Practical exam must be shot at a shooting range using the “Assessment Target” and uploaded to the system. You need to achieve a 60% pass mark. Refer to (annexure “E” found in the members section)
  • Dedicated Hunter theoretical assessment can be done online. You need to achieve a 70% pass mark. Refer to (annexure “F”)
  • Completed the application found in the Dedicated Status members section plus your motivation and additional supporting information where applicable.

Recognition of Prior Learning

NARFO will accept any dedicated status awarded to the applicant if the dedicated status was awarded by another South African accredited association and the member is still a member in good standing at the time of the application. Documentary proof of your current valid status and membership must be provided at the time of the application. These documents must also be uploaded through the on-line system.

All Applications to become a dedicated hunter will be subject to approval

Maintain Your Dedicated Status

To maintain your dedicated status, a member must participate in at least two related activities per annum. The term related refers to activity that are related to huntng activities that are set out under the Dedicated Hunter rules.

Any member who has a dedicated status, must before 20 December of each year, submit the activities on-line. By submitting the activity in the prescribed manner, the member automatically declares that the information submitted is true and correct and the association will accept it as such. Any activity that is uploaded to the system is subject to approval.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the association to verify the bona fides of each dedicated member to remain an association in good standing as per the Firearms Control Act. The association may at its own discresion verify the details of an activity that was submitted. The onus remains on the member to keep in their possession, documentary proof of any activity which was submitted to remain a dedicated member. In the event that a member has had unfortunate circumstances that none of the prescribed criteria could be met, a submission with a motivation must be submitted, stating the reasons for non-compliance. (Motivations will be accepted for extensive travels, sickness or health issues, firearm repairs which rendered the firearm unusable for the period or any restrictions imposed which prohibits this kind of activity)

An activity is deemed to be any activity which is advertised or participated in as one event. An event could be conducted over a period of more than one day, and it will be deemed as ONE activity. The same goes for a shooting exercise which is conducted over more than one day, The only exception is where the member participated in two or more completely unrelated events on one day in which case each will be seen as a separate activities.

Participation in any two related activities which may include:

  • Any related workshop, trade fairs, training course, lecture, presentation or practical course that has reference to hunting.
  • Any load development activities, sighting in and setting up of your firearm
  • The NARFO Hunting target shooting discipline on the official NARFO targets
  • Any participation in any other formal sports shooting event hosted by any other accredited association.

Documentary proof includes the following:

  • Any official signed target as provided by the association.
  • Targets must be signed by the range officer on duty or someone who accompanied you and can verify that you have shot the target.
  • Range officer or verifier details must be captured on the target.
  • Details of the shooting range needs to be captured on the target.
  • Date and time of the shoot to be captured.
  • Any attendance certificate or register of any related activity.
  • Any formal results certificate of any related activity

In case you could not meet the minimum criteria

  • Travel tickets for extended travel in case of non-compliance
  • Entry or exit markings on the member’s passport showing dates not in the country
  • Any gunsmith report showing the firearm being unserviceable for a period of time
  • Any medical records showing incapacity to participate in any of the activities
  • Non compliance report that can be downloaded from the members area where you were unable to participate in any activity due to any restrictions imposed.

Official Targets of the Association

NARFO has a range of accepted “Hunting” targets that can be used. Most of these targets can be purchased from your local Partner. Members can also download targets from the sport shooting section of this site.

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