Dedicated status
Dedicated Status Explained
What the Act Says:
In terms of the Firearms Control (Act 60 of 2000), an accredited Hunting Association may register its members as a dedicated hunter, if such a member is a member in good standing and the member has completed the prescribed training course. The Act further states that the association needs to regularly evaluate the bona fides of the dedicated member, to remain a dedicated hunter by consistently participating in the appropriate hunting activities as the case may be.
Becoming a dedicated sports person or hunter in South Africa involves being a member of an accredited association and obtaining a dedicated status as per the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000. NARFO is an accredited hunting association that can award its members with a dedicated status. This status allows members to possess more than four firearms and ammunition, subject to certain conditions. However, it is not an automatic right and comes with a set of responsibilities.
Obtain Status:
To obtain dedicated status, members must first complete the theoretical assessment and then submit the practical assessment. Members have access to a online learning portal where you have access to study material and also all the requirements of becoming and maintaining a dedicated status. Members must also prove that they are actively involved in the related activities of hunting or sport shooting, and that they use the firearms applied for under Section 16 of the Act. Additionally, they must submit a comprehensive motivation with each application for a firearm license under Section 16, which means that even with a dedicated status, license approval is not guaranteed.
Some years ago, the Central Firearms Registry and the Accredited Associations came to an agreement that Accredited Associations will issue an Endorsement that members can sublimit with their application. An endorsement is basically endorsing the suitability of the firearm for the stated purpose. It is therefore important that members who request endorsements submit a full description of the purpose of the firearm and what it will be used for. A more detailed motivation with the same purpose should be contained in your application. Check out our section on motivations under the firearms section.
NOTE: All firearm applications submitted to the Central Firearms Registry as a member with Dedicated Status, is still subject to approval.
Maintaining the Status:
While becoming a dedicated sports person or hunter in South Africa comes with benefits, it also comes with responsibilities. Members with this status must comply with the NARFO policy and rules, and adhere to the requirements outlined in the Act. Members must prove their active involvement in the related activities, submit a comprehensive motivation with each application, and comply with the NARFO policy and rules and adhere to the requirements outlined in the Act.
It is essential to remain a member in good standing and to ensure the safe and responsible use of firearms.
This means that a member must submit activities through the member portal to prove that the member is an active member as either a hunter or sport shooter or both.
A member who has been granted dedicated status and maintains the status as prescribed in Act and this document may hold in their possession more than 200 rounds of ammunition for which they have the relevant license and may also possess more than 2400 primers.
Dedicated members may also with proper motivation, apply for a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun.